
Tuesday, 08 September 2015

Brazil, First in the Use of Renewable Energies among BRICS Nations

According to the 'Energy in block BRICS' report, reversible sources here accounted for 73 percent of electricity generation produced in 2014, which contrasts with other nations in that group, whose percentages range from two percent in the For South Africa and 22 percent in China.

Monday, 07 September 2015

Ocho latinoamericanos aspiran dirigir panel internacional de cambio climático

Ocho científicos de América Latina aspiran a ocupar un cargo directivo del Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos en Cambio Climático (IPCC), máximo órgano internacional sobre la ciencia del calentamiento, que ayer cerró el plazo de presentación de candidaturas.

Friday, 04 September 2015

Adaptation Futures 2016 - Call abstracts and sessions open! Deadline: 4 October 2015

You have an opportunity to contribute to the programme of the conference by proposing a session. Present your case study, best practice, or lessons learned that covers one or more of the seven themes and/or three cross-cutting issues of the conference. Potential for upscaling and solution orientation are important criteria. For more information on the criteria visit

You can also submit a scientific abstract. The abstracts need to contain a research question, methodology, findings, and significance for practical solutions and society at large. More information on the submission of abstracts can be found on

Both calls are now open and close on 4 October 2015.

Friday, 04 September 2015

Adaptation Futures 2016 - Registration open: early bird until 15 March 2016

Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). In 2016 the European Commission and the Government of the Netherlands co-host the fourth edition, to be held from 10-13 May 2016 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Adaptation Futures 2016 is where scholars, practitioners, policy makers and business people from all around the world go to connect, learn and inspire. It highlights adaptation practices and solutions for people, governments and businesses. The programme addresses all sectors and all parts of the world. You can subscribe to the newsletter and receive updates on the programme. 
Link to:

* Registration 
Registration for the Adaptation Futures 2016 conference is now open. An early bird rate is available until 15 March 2016. 

Thursday, 03 September 2015

Centroamérica y Caribe deben redoblar esfuerzos contra cambio climático (UICN)

"El cambio climático está afectando a toda la región", especialmente el denominado corredor seco en el litoral Pacífico, donde "no solo las especies están siendo impactadas, sino también las poblaciones y comunidades en esa zona", dijo Grethel Aguilar, directora regional de la UICN.

Thursday, 03 September 2015

The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency launches 4 Energy Efficiency Regional Reports

The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) , which serves as the Energy Efficiency Hub of the SE4ALL initiative, as one of its core activities, works to analyse and promote opportunities for accelerating energy efficiency uptake globally. As part of this broad mandate the Centre has engaged four regional partners in a detailed assessment of current energy efficiency policies, priorities and opportunities in selected countries in each region with the dual objectives of identifying key opportunities for support and at the same time being able to share experiences and best practice examples. 

Thursday, 03 September 2015

Government Subsidies for Agriculture May Exacerbate Deforestation, says new UN report

An estimated 80 per cent of global deforestation occurs as a direct result of agricultural practices. Government subsidies, estimated at $200 billion annually, are often the key underlying drivers of forest loss worldwide, with policy makers rarely recognizing their impact, says a new United Nations brief.

Wednesday, 02 September 2015

Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile

Liliana and Luisa Terán, two indigenous women from northern Chile who travelled to India for training in installing solar panels, have not only changed their own future but that of Caspana, their remote village nestled in a stunning valley in the Atacama desert.

Wednesday, 02 September 2015

Indonesia pledges to cut carbon emissions 29% by 2030

Indonesia, ranked third in the amount of land covered by tropical forests and the world's top palm oil producer, is likely to play a key role at the United Nation's Paris climate conference later this year.

Wednesday, 02 September 2015

'Suspenso' a los planes para combatir el cambio climático

Los compromisos para reducir la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero anunciados hasta ahora por los 56 países responsables del 65% de las emisiones no permitirán cumplir con el objetivo de limitar el aumento de las temperaturas a dos grados centígrados para finales de siglo. Es la principal conclusión de un estudio publicado este miércoles en Bonn (Alemania), coincidiendo con la celebración de una reunión preparatoria de la Cumbre Internacional sobre Cambio Climático de París.

Tuesday, 01 September 2015

Niño colombiano gana premio regional del Concurso Internacional de Pintura Infantil del PNUMA

Colombian national Juan David Díaz Manríquez has been named regional winner for Latin America and the Caribbean in the International Children's Painting Competition 2015, organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the support of the Foundation for Global Peace and Environment (FGPE).

Tuesday, 01 September 2015

Chile duplicaría su capacidad de generación de energías renovables

Entre julio de 2015 y agosto de 2017 Chile duplicaría su actual capacidad de generación a partir de fuentes de Energía Renovables No Convencionales (ERNC). Ello debido a que entrarían en operación medio centenar de proyectos de este tipo, que actualmente se encuentran en etapa de construcción; según informa el Centro Nacional para la Innovación y Fomento de las Energías Sustentables (Cifes) en su reporte del mes de agosto.

Monday, 31 August 2015

U.N. climate talks begin divided, but with hope for Paris accord

Chances that governments will work out a U.N. accord to combat climate change in December seem brighter than in the run-up to a failed attempt in 2009, experts said as delegates from almost 200 nations met on Monday, hoping to bridge deep divisions.

Sunday, 30 August 2015


Una activa y valiosa participación tuvieron un grupo de representantes de pueblos originarios de la región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins en el "Taller Regional de Evaluación Social y Ambiental para la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático y Recursos Vegetacionales de Chile", organizado por la Corporación Nacional Forestal CONAF, región de O'Higgins, realizado en la comuna de Santa Cruz.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Barbados to establish regional energy centre

Barbados is to establish a Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Energy Minister Darcy Boyce has said.