Instituciones clave

Organization of American States. Department of Sustainable Development (OAS)

Organization of American States. Department of Sustainable Development (OAS)

Tipo de institución:

Organismo internacional

Áreas de trabajo:


  • Recursos hídricos
  • Agricultura
  • Infraestructura
  • Manejo marino costero
  • Sensibilización y formación
  • Análisis de vulnerabilidad e impacto
  • Marco legislativo e institucional (incidencia política)
  • Adaptación basada en ecosistemas


  • Energía solar térmica
  • Energía solar fotovoltaica
  • Energía hidroeléctrica
  • Energía geotérmica
  • Energía eólica
  • Biomasa
  • Eficiencia energética (residencias y oficinas)
  • Eficiencia energética (industria)
  • Reducción emisiones agrícola/pecuario
  • Transporte
  • Manejo de residuos
  • Sensibilización y formación
  • Marco legistativo e institucional


Antigua y Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Surinám, Trinidad y Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela


The Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) supports OAS member States in the design and implementation of policies, programs and projects oriented to integrate environmental priorities with poverty alleviation, and socio-economic development goals. DSD supports the execution of multiple country projects in such diverse areas as Integrated Water Management, Energy and Climate Change Mitigation, Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management and Environmental Law, Policy and Good Governance. Their objectives include: provide support in areas of its technical expertise, to the political organs of the OAS; formulate and execute technical cooperation projects within its field of expertise; facilitate exchanges of information on sustainable development in the region and lay the foundation for participation by civil society in decision making on environmental management; assist countries and regions in preparing investment projects.