Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Lanzamiento de la plataforma de Cambio ClimÁtico para América Latina y el Caribe, REGATTA

Lanzamiento  de la plataforma de Cambio ClimÁtico para América Latina y el Caribe, REGATTA

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the support of the Governments of Spain and Norway, has launched a Virtual Knowledge Platform to promote the fight against climate change. This on-line platform is a component of the Regional Portal for Technology Transfer and Action on Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (REGATTA, for its acronym in English). As of today, the 21st of November, the platform will be available at the following link:

REGATTA´s main objective is to strengthen capacity and promote knowledge sharing of climate change technologies and experiences for both adaptation and mitigation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to facilitate technical assistance, access to financing and exchange of information for the development and implementation of climate change action.

Its design and development is aligned with the international climate change negotiations in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), after the Cancun Agreements at COP16, which established a Technology Mechanism. 

REGATTA supports existing institutions and networks in the region through collaboration with Knowledge Exchange Centers,

REGATTA´s three main components are:

  1. On-line Knowledge Platform

The goal of the on-line knowledge platform is to strengthen the exchange of information and experiences among countries, institutions and experts, and the development of an inventory that includes initiatives on adaptation, mitigation and technology development in the region and tools, methods, case studies, best practices and lessons learned.

2. Key Institutions and Regional Centers of Knowledge and Technology

REGATTA aims to have a thorough understanding of the key institutions in the region involved in climate change issues, so that they can share experiences and knowledge, identify synergies and contribute to the region´s capacity building. REGATTA has established agreements with various Knowledge Centers for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the region in order to strengthen its reach and leadership in the region. Some activities include participatory workshops and on-line discussion forums through “Communities of Practice", conducted in collaboration with the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank).

3. Specific assistance in mitigation and adaption to climate change

REGATTA provides on demand technical assistance to stakeholders in the areas identified as priorities by the countries during the First Round Table Regatta, held in April 2011. The prioritized areas include:  (i) agriculture and water in relation to climate change adaptation, and (ii) energy efficiency, renewable energy and agriculture in the area of ​​mitigation.

The on-line Knowledge Platform Regatta is a gateway to the identification of institutions and experts on climate change in the region, and the provision of access to relevant and timely information on climate change networks, documents, tools, events and financing options.

Come discover REGATTA Climate Change Portal for Latin America and the Caribbean:  For more information, please contact: Jason Spensley, tel.: (+507) 305 3166.  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
